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Family Partnership 

Family engagement has a positive influence on your child’s academic success and emotional development. 

• Set high expectations and establish goals

• Communicate frequently with teachers to monitor your child’s achievements

• Ask for ideas and materials to help your child learn at home

• Reward progress and celebrate accomplishments

• Volunteer for classroom and schoolwide activities

• Attend community events and workshops that promote learning and social growth

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Early Childhood
Special Education

Early Childhood Special Education is a state and federally mandated program for children aged 3–5 who meet state eligibility criteria because they are experiencing developmental delays. School districts and other public agencies are responsible for locating, identifying, and evaluating eligible children and for offering a free appropriate public education (FAPE). Eligible children are entitled to a FAPE at no cost to the family with programming designed to help children meet challenging objectives alongside their typically developing peers. When a delay is suspected, or children are not meeting milestones, local school districts offer Child Find services, providing screening, and if needed, evaluation services to determine eligibility. ARS §15.771 is the section of the state regulations that defines preschool programs for children with disabilities. The Early Childhood Special Education unit offers technical assistance and professional development to early childhood administrators and practitioners across the state to support services to preschool aged children with disabilities.

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